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ADG Product Ideas

Budget Preparation

Showing 4 of 221

Next record or page option during Add/Maintain Annual or Monthly Budget

When maintaining a budget, it would be helpful while on the Annual/Monthly Budget Maintenance screen (bu120v_mt) there would be a Next button to go to the next line to maintain rather than closing the window and clicking the next line option (blue...
Stephanie Cooper over 1 year ago in Budget Preparation 0

Make the budget prep window scale to browser (bigger)

The budget prep window is only about 1/3 of the size of my screen, so I have to do a lot of scrolling. It would be really helpful if it were scaleable to the window.
Dallas Lee 10 months ago in Budget Preparation 0

Simple G/L Inquiry for Budget Prep

Having the same functionality of simple G/L inquiry (gb665_iq) in budget prep would be beneficial. For example, currently, if I want to see how much we have budgeted across all funds/departments in worker's comp, I can use the budget prep inquiry ...
Dallas Lee 8 months ago in Budget Preparation 0

Include Average On GL Monthly History

It would be very helpful if on the monthly window in the budgeting screen it would show you the average. As of now, I have to calculate it manually when preparing the budget. If it could average through the last month closed that would be great.
Dallas Lee 10 months ago in Budget Preparation 2