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ADG Product Ideas
Categories Purchase Orders
Created by Kylie Chiavuzzi
Created on Oct 18, 2023

Manually Re-Encumber PO's

It would be a great help at year end for there to be an option to manually re-encumber a PO into the next Fiscal year so we didn't have to wait until the year has closed for it to happen.

As we approach the end of our Fiscal Year there are always PO's that we know will not arrive in time and will need to be rolled into the next fiscal year to free up budget authority. It would save my agency a lot of time and headache if there was an option to do it manually so that we don't have to wait until the FY is closed or closing the PO and cutting a new one. In the age of supply chain issues this feature would help a lot in the last quarter of the year.

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  • Tatiana Abernathy
    Nov 30, 2023

    This would be a great help. HUGE! We like our encumbrances at zero for FYE but that means we have to liquidate PO's for product in transit and tracking/referencing these "closed" PO's manually. I'd vote 10 times if I could.

  • Guest
    Oct 18, 2023

    This is a great idea, and hopefully will get implemented!!!! This would free up many man hours and reduce errors significantly. Please make it happen ADG/Tripleview.